The culture of hard work, determination, and camaraderie that defines Sheepdog Crossfit did not appear out of nowhere, but was fostered and grew out of a small group of athletes that are still part of the box today.

In 2010 after dabbling in Crossfit for several years, Sheepdog’s former owner, Seb decided to convert his garage into a small box that immediately started to garner attention amongst friends and neighbours. The first athlete to join Seb was regional athlete Sharen Leung and she was soon followed by a group of people who’s dedication to better themselves was second to none. The group would meet every morning at 445AM for workouts that were not for the faint of heart. These early AM gruelling sessions proved to be the foundation of what has grown to become

Sheepdog today; that is a group of people who strive to better themselves, are dedicated, hold each other accountable and most importantly will not let anyone finish a workout alone. 

Sheepdog CrossFit is one of more than 11, 000 CrossFit Boxes globally, regardless of where you might be, or when you may be there, a CrossFit workout will be waiting for you.



#110 – 1320 Kingsway Av.
Port Coquitlam BC,
V3C 6P4

T: (778) 400-3647


5:30AM – 8:30PM Weekdays

8:30AM – 11:00AM Saturdays

10:00AM - 11:00AM Sundays


“The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community.”
